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IR348 FAQs

From 1 April 2019, employers must report employee info to the IRD every payday via payday filing, instead of filing an IR348. The information on this page only applies before 1 April 2019.

IR348 Figures Do Not Reconcile With Other Wage Data

The figures on my IR348 do not match my other wage data for the month. Why is that?

The specifications for the Employer Monthly Schedule require each employee's gross wages to be rounded down to the lowest dollar. The total gross is the sum of each of the employee totals after rounding them.

The totals as reported by all other Ace Payroll reports are exact to the cent.

Statistically, this means that the totals showing on your IR348 Employer Monthly Schedule differ from your actual gross wages by around 50 cents per employee.

Monthly schedule - employees with no payment

Inland Revenue has told me to include employees that I haven’t paid on my IR348. How do I do this?

Inland Revenue has told me to include employees that I haven’t paid on my IR348. How do I do this?

Inland Revenue sometimes requires some employers to include details on their monthly schedule of not only all employees paid during the month, but also of all employees they have not paid. Ace Payroll does not include this information on printed or electronic monthly schedules by default, but there is an option in Ace Payroll for you to do this if you want to.

  1. From the front screen click Reports > IRD returns > Lodge Monthly Return > OK > Setup > Show Employees Not Paid

  2. Click Show All Current Employees.

    Show Employees Not Paid
    changes from No to Yes, and employees you have not paid will now show on your IR348.

myIR error: Schedule already exists

I created my IR348 in Ace Payroll but when I go to import it, the IRD website says a schedule already exists in my workspace for that period. I know I haven't already imported it and when I check the one that is already there, it is all zeroes. What is the problem?

The Inland Revenue website allows you to either import your monthly return from a payroll system, or type it in manually. There is a setting on their website which defines whether you are importing from a payroll, or typing it in manually.

If you type it in manually, a blank form allows you to manually write in the figures. If you have set your myIR account to use this manual form, you will need to change this setting before you can import your returns from Ace Payroll. Follow the steps below to change the setting.

  1. Log in to myIR on the Inland Revenue website, then click ir-File (Employer Monthly Schedule)
  2. Click Filing method.
  3. Select File monthly using payroll file transfer.
  4. Click Update.
    Now your settings are correct, the blank form will no long appear and you will be able to submit your returns electronically.





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