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Make a one off payment

Use the One Off Payment method for paying amounts that fall outside of the regular pay run.

Common uses for one off payments are:

  • Immediate termination pays

  • Bonus Payments

  • Holiday Pay

  • Paying casual employees on the day they actually work

  • Loading year to date totals for existing employees.

Date Entry 

When selecting a date there are some things to consider.

If you are paying holiday, termination, or bonus pay, then today's date is probably appropriate.

If you are adjusting an incorrectly filed pay then you might want to set the date to the same date as the incorrectly filed pay.

However, once it is filed the payment will be added to the transactions for the month of the date you enter. This means that if you have already paid your PAYE for that month your reconciliation will not balance at the end of the year, and you may be liable for penalty tax. In this case, it is best to enter today's date.


To make a One Off Payment
  1. From the front screen, click Employee, then click Make A One Off Payment.

  2. Select the employee you want to pay and click the green tick.

  3. Select the transaction date and click Go.

  4. The One Off Payment window opens. Enter the amounts required, or click Options to pay termination pay, extra pay, time bank, or ACC pay.

  5.  Click Payslip to produce a payslip.

  6.  Click Direct Credit to make a direct credit payment, if required.

  7.  Click File to file the payment, and you’re done.







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