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Configuration for Managers to see Employees' timesheets

This page is for MYOB Advanced consultants

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When you use the Time & Expense functionality to record and approve timesheets, there may be requirements for managers to see their subordinates’ timesheets for approval purposes. This knowledge base article shows you the required configuration for

Build 2021.117.400.6951 [21.117.0037] onward.

In order for managers to see their subordinates’ timesheets, they need to be in a higher position in the company tree. Therefore, in this example, we’re going to configure the company tree so that  employee Andrew Michael is higher than employee Irene Brown in the company tree.

  1. Go to the Company Tree screen (EP204061), create a node in the company tree and add the manager employee (Andrew Michael) in this node

  2. Create a second node for the company tree under the manager node, and add employee Irene Brown in this node.

  3. When logged in as the employee Michael Andrews, you can see Irene Brown’s time card

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