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Resending old customer statements

Sometimes, you need to resend an old customer statement because the customer did not receive, or has lost the statement that you’ve sent out. This knowledge base article will show you how to find and re-send historical customer statements again.

Build 2021.117.400.6951 [21.117.0037] onward.

  1. Assuming, you have already prepared last month’s customer statements through the Prepare Statements screen (AR503000) and have already sent them out through the Print Statements screen (AR503500). When you go back into the Print Statements screen and specify last month’s Statement Date, you would normally see a blank list, because the statements have already been printed or emailed:
  2. To display the list of statements that were generated on the Statement Date, click “Show All” – the system will display a list of prepared customer statements for you to print or send again:
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