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Unable to select external application ID in systems email account

This page is for MYOB Advanced consultants

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With Basic Authentication being deprecated by Microsoft, to set up Systems Email Accounts, you need to use the Modern Authentication (OAuth2) method. If you have multiple email accounts that you need to set up, you will run into an issue on the System Email Accounts screen where you can't select the same External Application ID for all the email accounts when setting them up with Modern Authentication.

These instructions are for MYOB Advanced builds 2021.117.400.6951 [21.117.0037] onward.

To resolve this issue, simply create a new External Application ID. You don’t need to reconfigure the application on the Azure side. You only need to create a new External Application ID in MYOB Advanced and use this application ID. You can use the Copy and Paste function to quickly create a new application ID from the existing one. There needs to be one External Application ID per email address.

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