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Get or view a superannuation standard choice form

AccountRight Plus and Premier only

The superannuation standard choice form is for:

  • employers to tell employees of the employer’s nominated fund, and

  • employees to tell an employer of their choice of fund.

The form contains information about its completion, use and retention requirements.

When an employee provides their super fund details, you can enter this information into their employee card in AccountRight.

Printing the form

To print the form from AccountRight you'll need Microsoft Word on your computer. Otherwise you can download the form as a PDF from the ATO website.

In AccountRight you can print:

  • a blank super choice form, or

  • a super choice form with some details filled in for you (pre-populated).

To print a blank super choice form

  1. Go to the Setup menu and choose General Payroll Information. The General Payroll Information window appears.

  2. Click Create Superannuation Choice Form. If this button is not clickable, select a Default Superannuation Fund.

    Example general payroll information window with create superannuation choice form button highlighted

    The Review Employees Before Exporting window appears.

  3. Click Advanced Filters.

  4. Click Print Blank Form.

    Example advanced filters screen with print blank form button highlighted

    The form displays in a Microsoft Word document.

  5. (Optional) Complete as much information as you can.

  6. Print the form.

To print a pre-populated super choice form


AccountRight can fill in some of the details on the form with information from your company file. This includes your business name and ABN and the employee's name and tax file number. 

  1. Go to the Setup menu and choose General Payroll Information. The General Payroll Information window appears.

  2. Click Create Superannuation Choice Form. If this button is not clickable, select a Default Superannuation Fund.

    Example general payroll information window with create superannuation choice form button highlighted

    The Review Employees Before Exporting window appears.

  3. Select the employees for whom you want to print a super choice form.

  4. Click Mail Merge.

    Example review employees before exporting screen with employees selected and mail merge button highlighted

    The forms display in a Microsoft Word document.

  5. (Optional) Complete as much information as you can.

  6. Print the forms.

Invalid Merge Field

If you see this warning in Microsoft Word, click Remove Field. The superannuation standard choice form will generate successfully.

Example invalid merge field window