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Accessing Statutory Reporter

Access the Client Accounting > Reports tab to configure the client report settings and produce financial statements for a selected client.

To access Statutory Reporter
  1. Click
    . The Find Clients page opens.
  2. Enter search criteria in the Search for field. The search criteria can be based on Name and Code, Tax File Number or ABN (Australia), or IRD Number or New Zealand Business Number (New Zealand). Click the appropriate search criteria option and type in the details. Alternatively, if you can easily navigate to the client, double-click on the client entry. Proceed to Step 5.
  3. Click Search or press [Enter]. The search results are displayed.

  4. Double-click the client entry. The Client page opens.

  5. Click the Client Accounting tab.

  6. Click the Reports tab. Financial statements for the selected client can be produced from the Reports tab.

Here are some things you can do. For more, see Configuring client report settings or search for what you're looking for.

Quickly navigating through your reports

You can use document map bookmarks to quickly navigate through open reports instead of scrolling.

You can also click a contents page number to quickly jump to that page, or click a note number on the balance sheet to quickly jump to that note.

Drilling down

The drill down feature lets you see a breakdown of the individual account balances which make up the selected value. It groups together individual account balances under the account groups to which they are allocated.

Mapping as you go

If, in the breakdown of an account, you see an account that has been mapped incorrectly, you can remap the account:

To remap an account
  1. Select the account you wish to remap and clicking on Reallocate Account.
    Your account group tree will be displayed and you can navigate to where you wish the account to be mapped to.
  2. When your mapping is correct, click OK.

Inserting and removing page breaks

If your notes is split over two pages, you can insert a page break.

To use page breaks
  • To insert a page break, go to where you would like to insert a page break, right click on the note header and select Insert page break.

  • To remove all page breaks, left click on Page breaks on your tool bar and select Remove All.
  • To just remove a single page break, navigate to the page break you want to remove, right-click on the header of that paragraph and select Remove page break.

Inserting items

You can add a file or a Document Manager file to a report, including Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PDF files, and image files.

To insert items
  1. Click the Insert Item drop-down on the main menu and select either From File or Document Manager.
  2. Browse and select the appropriate file. The Insert Item window appears.
  3. Select which pages of the file you want to insert.
  4. The Title field automatically displays the file name, although this can be changed if necessary.
  5. Select whether to Insert the file Before or After. Then from the drop-down, select the appropriate place in the report where to insert the file.
  6. Select the appropriate Page orientation of the inserted file, either Portrait or Landscape.
  7. Click OK. The file is inserted into the report and the report is re-generated to include the inserted file.
    The table of contents will also be updated appropriately.
  8. When you close the report you are previewing, if you have inserted a document from a file, you can choose to save the inserted document(s) in the report.
    All saved documents will be made available to all team members who have access to this report.
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