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Allocating account ranges to account groups

A range of accounts can be allocated to a selected account group. To allocate the range, specify the account code of the first account in the range and the account code of the last account in the range.

The Edit Range Settings option is used to allocate accounts separately to different Account Groups depending on whether the account is in credit or debit. For example, bank accounts must be displayed in the Current Assets section of the Balance Sheet report if they have a debit balance and the Current Liabilities section of the Balance Sheet report if they have a credit balance. Any account ranges that have been allocated to a custom account groups will behave in a similar way.

To allocate an account range to an account group
  1. Access the account groups for the practice or for a selected client. See Accessing account groups.

    If Account Groups are to be configured for the practice, then select the Industry Type and nominate a Sample Client. See Accessing account groups.

  2. Find and select the account group in the Account Group Details tree.
  3. Select Display account ranges from the drop-down located at the bottom of the Account Group Details table.
  4. Click the final row in the Account Group Details table to add a new entry. The beginning of the row is identified by 
    and a Click here to add an account range statement.
  5. Enter the account code for the first account in the account range into the Starting Code column.
  6. Enter the account code for the last account in the account range into the Ending Code column. The account range is displayed in the account group in the Account Group Details tree.

    The account range within the account group is identified with 

    if it is configured at a practice level. The account range within the account group is identified with 
    if it is configured at a client level.

  7. Repeat Step 2. to Step 6. to allocate further account ranges.
  8. Click OK to save the changes made in configuring the account groups.
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