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Non-transaction data in Statutory Reporter

Non-Transaction Data (NTD) includes any data values required for the financial statements but are not derived from account balances in the client ledger, such as names and dates.

There are two types of non-transaction data that can be configured:

  • Practice-wide data (e.g. practice name and address)

  • Client-specific data values

Some Non-Transaction Data items are need to be entered in the Non Transaction Data window of Statutory Reporter. However, there are a number of Non-transaction data items that are pre-filled from the information you've already entered in your client's records or, from your practice's Maintenance settings. For example:

NTD ItemWhere does the data come from?
Client Name

This comes from Pre Name and Main (organisations) or First Name and Last Name (individuals) fields in the client record.

To edit these fields, open the client record and on the Main tab, click Edit Client Details.

ABNThe ABN field in the Main tab of the client record.
Firm NameThe Company field on the client's Responsibility tab. See Companies for information on adding or editing company details.
Firm AddressThis is the address linked to the selected Office on the Responsibility tab. See Offices for information on adding or editing office details.
Director's NameThis is the name/s of the Director/s listed on the client's Associated tab. See Associated tab for details.

For a full list of the NTD Items and where the data comes from, head to our Data categories and data fields topic.

For information on entering Non-Transaction data for:

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