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Organising and managing your data

When preparing workpapers for your client, the client will supply company files and source documents. These files are stored safely on your system in a way that ensures that they are easy to find and they are accessible to the people who need to use them.

The following are recommendations for conventions of storing workpapers data:

  • Files stored in a common location—all files used in workpaper preparation (client ledgers and source documents) should be stored in a location that can be accessed by all staff members who prepare workpapers. While preparing the workpapers, documents will be linked to the workpapers period. Staff members must have access to these documents to be able to open them using Workpapers.

  • Organised directory structure—the following directory structure is recommended to ensure that files are easy to find:

    • Data—the top level directory.

    • ClientCode—the code for the client in the software. The client’s company file should be placed within this folder.

    • Period—the year of the workpaper’s period. The source documents for each period should be placed within this folder.

  • Clearly named files—when saving client files to your network it is important to ensure that these are clearly named so that is immediately apparent what the file contains. Source documents should include the client code, period year and clearly define what the file contains, e.g. 2009-ABBOTRA-BankStatement-August.xls.

However the data is organised, it is useful to have a clear set of guidelines and procedures for storing data in place before preparing workpapers. It is important to document these and make all staff aware of these procedures to ensure consistency.

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