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Security and task permissions for Client Accounting

Task permissions are used to define the permissions for staff team members using Workpapers. Certain actions can be controlled and whether they are performed by a particular staff security group. For example, some staff members may be restricted from approving or deleting workpapers.

See Employee group security for more information on security groups.

The following table lists the task permissions which can be set for Workpapers and what actions the permission will enable or prevent the staff team member from performing.




#View Workpaper Homepage

Causes the Workpaper icon to be displayed. Allows the staff team member to open the Workpapers homepage to view and manage all the Workpapers that they have In Progress. See Managing, tracking and approving workpapers.

#Approve Workpaper

Allows the staff team member to approve a workpaper. A staff team member can set the status of a workpaper to approved. See  Setting the status on a workpaper or document.

#Delete Workpaper

Allows the staff team member to delete an attached workpaper from a workpaper period. See Deleting workpapers and source documents.

#Delete Workpaper Period

Allows the staff team member to delete workpaper periods which have not been started. See Deleting a period.

#Modify Completed Period

Allows the staff team member to open and modify a completed workpaper period. A warning message is displayed indicating that the period has been completed and the balances and workpapers may have rolled over to a new period. See Completing the period.

#Define Balance Forward Accounts

Allows the staff team member to define, modify and remove balance forward accounts. See Defining Balance Forward Accounts.

To configure Workpapers task permissions
  1. Navigate to Maintenance > Maintenance Map (AO) > Security > Task Permissions. The task permissions open in the Maintenance - Task Permissions page.
  2. Select MYOB Workpapers from the Product drop-down.
  3. Select the Security Group from the Group drop-down. Security groups are used to group employees who will use the same features of the application. Employees can be grouped for various reasons, e.g., they are at the same staff level or they perform similar duties.
  4. Click
    beside the Client or Maintenance entries. This will expand the list of permissions for that Group Description.
  5. Click the Allow checkbox. A tick is displayed in the checkbox. This will enable the staff team member to perform the selected action. Click the Allow checkbox again. A tick is not displayed in the checkbox. This will prevent the staff team member from performing the selected action.
  6. Repeat Step 4. to Step 5. for each security group associated with MYOB Workpapers.
  7. Click OK. This saves any changes and closes the Maintenance - Task Permissions page.
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