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Integration with MYOB Document Manager

Corporate Compliance and Corporate Admin will be retired on 15 April 2024.
You won't be able to use either software after 15 April 2024. Learn what this means for you

For sites with MYOB Document Manager, you can save the set of documents generated by a Corporate Compliance change task directly to MYOB Document Manager. This can be saved as one PDF file for a set of documents, or as individual files for each document.

This feature is accessed from the Corporate Compliance Print Preview window. Refer to Previewing forms and documents.

You can choose to:

  • Create only one document in Document Manager for each contact, which consolidates all the items selected for that contact.

  • Create a separate document in Document Manager for each selected item.

To create one document in Document Manager for all documents listed
  1. From the Corporate Compliance Print Preview window, click on Share it. The Select documents to be saved to Document Manager window opens.
  2. In the Document Manager options section, select the option Create one document for each contact in the selected list.
  3. In the Document description below this option, enter in the document description will be used in Document Manager for this consolidated documents set.
  4. In the Select documents to be saved section, select the documents to be sent to Document Manager.
  5. Click OK. The Create Document Wizard opens.

    This screen opens once for each contact.

  6. Enter in the all details for the document and then click Finish. The document is sent to Document Manager.

To create a separate document in Document Manager for each document listed
  1. From the Corporate Compliance Print Preview window, click on Share it. The Select documents to be saved to Document Managerwindow opens.
  2. In the Document Manager options section, select the option Create a separate document for each selected item.

  3. In the Select documents to be saved section, select the documents to be sent to Document Manager.

  4. Click OK. The Document Manager Share It window opens listing the selected documents.

  5. Click OK. The Create Document Wizard opens.

    The Contact and Title are disabled in this screen. The contact and title are taken from the Select documents to be saved to Document Manager window.

  6. Enter in the all details for the document and then click Finish. The document is sent to Document Manager.

You can also send Company Statements directly to MYOB Document Manager. Refer to Saving a company statement to MYOB Document Manager.

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