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Notifying ASIC of address changes to more than one contact

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The task Notify address changes of multiple contacts allows you to select all the officeholders or shareholders of a corporation who require notification to ASIC of an address change. One ASIC Form 484A is produced for that corporation that includes all the selected officeholders and shareholders.

This process generates ASIC Form 484A for the selected corporation only. This process would typically be used after receiving your company statement from the ASIC. If there are several officeholders or shareholders with out of date address details, you can update their address details, and then use this task to generate the one ASIC Form 484A with all these address changes listed.

ASIC Form 484A will not be generated for other corporations that the selected contacts are an officeholder or member of.

ASIC Form 484A will not be generated for other contacts that share the address with the selected contacts.

To generate ASIC Form 484A for all the corporations that a person is an officeholder or shareholders of, select that person from the People list, and then select the task Notify change of name or address. This process will also include other contacts that share the address of the selected person on the ASIC Forms generated.

To generate ASIC Form 484A for all the corporations that another corporation is a shareholder of, select that corporation from the Corporations list, and then select the task Notify change of address. This process will also include other contacts that share the address of the selected person on the ASIC Forms generated.

How to run the notify address changes of multiple contacts task
  1. Select and open the corporation. See Selecting a corporation. The corporation opens at the Details tab.
  2. Click Notify address changes of multiple contacts on the Task Bar. The Notify Change of Address window opens, at the Select Contacts step.
    For proprietary companies, the contact list is all the current officeholders and current shareholders of this corporation.
    For public companies, the contacts list is all the current officeholders of this corporation.
  3. Enter the date of the address change.
  4. Select all the contacts whose address change is to be notified on this ASIC Form 484A.
  5. Click Next. The Notify Change of Address window moves to the Select Documents step.
  6. Select the documents to be produced.
  7. Click Next.
    If the document for the Minutes of the directors meeting to resolve change of registered address has been selected at the previous step, then the Minutes of Directors Meeting step is displayed, otherwise the Finish step is displayed
  8. Enter the details of the directors meeting.
  9. Click Next. The Notify Change of Address window moves to the Finish step. Select the documents to be previewed.
  10. Click Finish.
    If a document has been selected for preview, the print preview window opens.
    If no documents are selected for preview, system returns to the corporation.
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