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Updating details with data received from ASIC

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ASIC form RA71 is a request to ASIC for the current details of a corporation. Corporate Compliance allows you to update the corporation with the details contained in this file.

When the requested form is received back from ASIC (form RA72), select Corporations > Update from ASIC data received.

This wizard allows you to update the corporation with details of:

  • General details such as company type and incorporation details

  • Registered address

  • Business address

  • Ultimate holding company

  • Officers

  • Issued shares

  • Shareholders.

The Update from ASIC data received wizard can only be used where the corporation does not already have any officer or member details. This is because the ASIC data would duplicate records if the corporation has existing officer or shareholder records.

You must be the registered agent of the company to request its data details. If you have not already done so, you must lodge a form 362 for the company before you can lodge the RA72.

Appointing or ceasing registered agents

You can enter the officer’s name manually at the Signing detail step of this wizard, if no other officer is entered for this company. This must be entered exactly as notified to ASIC.

How to update data for new companies in your database
  1. If the agent does not already exist in Corporate Compliance(or in MYOB AE/AO), add their name plus ACN or ABN in MYOB AE/AO.
  2. Add the company to Corporate Compliance (see Adding corporations).
  3. Use Appoint or cease registered agent to create a form 362 for this company.
  4. Lodge the form 362.
  5. When the form 362 has been accepted, use Request data from ASIC to create a form RA71 for the company.
  6. Lodge the form RA71.
  7. When form RA71 has been accepted, ASIC will provide an RA72.
  8. Check that the RA72 has been received on the company’s ASIC Forms tab.

Each form RA71 sent will have a corresponding RA72 form with the same document trace number.

  1. Print these details by selecting the form RA72, and clicking View Form on the Task Bar.

  2. View the form from Reports > Corporations > ASIC data received.

  3. Select to Update from ASIC data received.

Corporations > Update from ASIC data received

Shows the name of the selected company, and the date when the data request file was last received.

Corporation details

Displays the general details such as company type, incorporation details and annual review date.

Registered address details

Displays the registered address as received in the ASIC data file, and the registered address as currently held in your database.

To update the address in your database with the address received from ASIC, select CheckBox.png Update the registered address with the ASIC details. When this is selected, any address links to other contacts are lost, and a new, unlinked address is created.

Business address details

Displays the business address as received in the ASIC data file, and the business address as currently held in your database.

To update the address in your database with the address received from ASIC, select 

Update the business address with the ASIC details. When this is selected, any address links to other contacts are lost, and a new, unlinked address is created.

Ultimate holding company

This step is not displayed if the selected corporation has no ultimate holding company.

Displays the ultimate holding company as received in the ASIC data file. Enter the date when this company started as an ultimate holding company.

If the system finds a corporation with the same ACN, the matched company is displayed. It cannot be changed.

If the system does not match the ultimate holding company to an existing company in your Corporate Compliance database, you can either:

  • Create a new contact for the holding company.


  • Click Select Contact to link the holding company to an existing contact

Officer details

Displays the officer details as received in the ASIC data file. Details received are the officer’s name, home address, birth details and positions held.

When there is an exact match in your Corporate Compliance database to this officer, based on the surname and given name as received, the system displays the matched contact code in one column, and the contact’s name and address and birth details as currently held in the database in another column.

If you want to link the officer to the selected contact, leave as displayed.

If the system has matched with an incorrect person of the same name, click Clear Contact to unlink the details. You can either click Select Contact to link to the correct existing contact, or leave the Contact code blank.

If the Contact code is left blank, a new contact record will be created for the displayed person.

Issued share details

Lists each class of shares currently issued by the company.

The details as received from ASIC consolidate all share issues and do not include a date of issue. For example, if 1000 ORD shares were issued in 2000, and a further 1000 ORD shares issued in 2002, these will not display as two entries. There is one line displayed for these ORD shares, showing 2000 issued. If you want to enter the true history of the issued shares of the corporation, this must be done manually. The data as provided by ASIC is a summary of the current issues only.

Share members

Displays the member details as received in the ASIC data file. This list displays each member once, including joint holders. Details received are:

  • For people: surname, given name and address.

  • For corporations: name, address and ACN.

To link the member to an existing contact in your database, click Select Contact.

If the Contact code is left blank, a new contact record will be created for the displayed person or company.

Share holdings

Displays the shares currently held in the corporation.

The details as received from ASIC consolidate all like shares held by each member and do not include a date acquired. The date acquired will be set to be the date of issue as entered for that share class at the Issued share details step. You are required to enter a certificate number to uniquely identify each share holding.

For example, if a member acquired 1000 ORD shares in 2009, and a further 1000 ORD shares in 2011, these will not display as two entries. There is one line displayed for these ORD shares, showing 2000 held. If you want to enter the true history of the shares held in the corporation, this must be done manually. The data as provided by ASIC is a summary of the current holdings only.

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