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Viewing solvency resolutions

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When a corporation pays their review fee by the end of the two month period after the company’s review date, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts, as and when they become due and payable.

If the directors have met and resolved that the company is solvent, the minutes of the resolution are produced.

If the directors have met and resolved that the company is not solvent, or if the directors have not met and made any resolution as to the solvency of the company, the company must lodge Form 485 — Statement in relation to Company Solvency as part of this review process.

How to view/create a solvency resolution
  1. Click Company Statements on the Task Bar. All company statements received from ASIC are listed on the Company Statements tab. Click the required Company Statement in the list.
  2. Click View Solvency Resolution on the Task Bar.
    • If you have not previously created a Solvency Resolution for this Statement, a window will list all current officers of the corporation. Select the officers who are to sign the Statement of Solvency and click OK to display the Statement of Solvency.

    • If you have previously created a Solvency Resolution for this Statement, the Solvency Resolution will display automatically.

  3. Click Print.
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