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Full text searching

Document Manager provides the facility to perform a Full Text Search on the database to locate a document. A normal search will only return results of documents where the document file name, title or keywords match the search text. The Full Text Search will return documents where the search text is located anywhere within the document’s content as well as the file name, title or keywords.

The Find Documents page is used to perform a full text search across the title and content of documents created by your practice, including all documents for contacts, clients, assignments and employees.


To do a full text search
  1. Click Documents on the toolbar.
    Select Document > Find Documents on the main menu. The Find Documents page opens.
  2. In the Search for section, you can either:
    • Enter the search text in the Text field. Choose to restrict the search further based on a selected Author.
    • Enter the document number in the Reference no field.

      When Reference no is selected, the Display documents from, Full text search and Search criteria fields are disabled.

  3. Enter the search text into the Text field.
  4. Select the appropriate search options:
    1. In the Display documents from date selector, select the earliest date you wish to retrieve documents from.
    2. Full text search is selected by default.

      If Full text search is not selected, Show current version only will be selected and disabled.

    3. Show current version only is selected by default. If you want to search function to look through previous versions of the documents then ensure that the Show current version only checkbox is deselected.
    4. Select Include Archived items, if required.
  5. Click Search or press the [Enter] key.
    All documents matching the entered search criteria are listed. Documents with attachments have an

     attachment icon displayed. Documents with attachments in a previous version have a
    file history icon.
    The matched documents are sorted by matching 'score'. The score is calculated using an algorithm which searches for the entered search string in the title, document content and any extra fields, etc, of the documents in the database, then displays the score percentage. The highest scoring documents are listed first.
    Only 200 documents are displayed per page. To view more results, click the forward and back arrows at the bottom of the search results list.

  6. For details about the search criteria used and to directly edit the search criteria, click the View search criteria hyperlink at the bottom of the results list.
    You can edit the search criteria directly in this field and click the Search button next to it, to do a search based on these conditions instead of the Search for conditions entered at the top of the page.







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