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Selecting the documents to be migrated

The information displayed on the Select the documents to be migrated page will vary depending on which option was selected to migrate documents from in Using the Document Migration Wizard.

Please contact MYOB Support if you are migrating documents from MYOB AO Classic.


To select the documents to be migrated from MYOB AE/AO
  1. Open the Document Migration Wizard. See Using the Document Migration Wizard.
  2. Ensure that you are on the Select the documents to be migrated page.
  3. Select the appropriate checkboxes if the migration directory will contain documents for clients and/or assignment (AE) and/or contacts. Deselect the checkboxes, as required.
  4. (AE) Select the Default filing cabinet where documents found in the VPM database and not any of the above from the drop-down.
  5. (AO) Select the filing cabinet for the migrated documents from the drop-down list. This is a mandatory field and you must select a filing cabinet where migrated documents will be stored.
  6. Select the Migrate documents for closed contacts and clients checkbox, if required.
  7. (AE) Select the Use document title from VPM database where exists (otherwise will set the file name as title) checkbox, if required.
  8. Click Next. The Client documents - directory structure page opens. This is where you specify the location of the current client documents and the current directory structure rules.
    If you are using MYOB AE proceed to Configuring the assignment document details.
    If you are using MYOB AO proceed to (AO) Configuring the client document location and structure.
To select the documents to be migrated from a Directory Structure
  1. Open the Document Migration Wizard. See Using the Document Migration Wizard.
  2. Ensure that you are on the Select the documents to be migrated page.

  3. Select the appropriate checkboxes if the migration directory will contain documents for clients and/or contacts.

  4. Deselect the checkboxes, as required.

  5. Select the Migrate documents for closed contacts and clients checkbox, if required.

  6. Click Next.
    The Client documents - directory structure page opens. This is where you specify the location of the current client documents and the current directory structure rules.

  7. Proceed to Configuring the client document location and structure.

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