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HR Position






Query a list of all HR Positions



Query a single HR Position

Supported modifiers

Query String


treeName and treeBranchReturn a list of HR Positions assigned to a nominated branch of a nominated treetreeName=Colour-AUS&treeBranch=Blue
statusReturn a list of HR Positions that match the statusstatus=Active
typeReturn a list of HR Positions that match the position typetype=Full Time
gradeReturn a list of HR Positions that match the gradegrade=High

Security Linked Menu

Menu Item
Position MaintenanceHR / Human Resources Management

Sample XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <ConditionDetail>Ford Falcon</ConditionDetail>
  <JobDescription>Accountant / Office Manager</JobDescription>
  <Notes>SUPER 21/6/2005, 16:05:28 - Reports to Manager Amanda Algar.</Notes>
  <ResponsibilityDetail>Financial accounting/monthly reporting, control of work in progress and monthly billings, payroll, fixed assets management, computer management plus leadership and management of office personnel.</ResponsibilityDetail>
  <UserDefinedFields collection="true" count="4">
      <Name>Full Time</Name>
      <Name>Part Time</Name>
  <Trees collection="true" count="1">
      <Name>Function Location</Name>
      <Value>Head Office</Value>
      <Path>Head Office</Path>
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