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Stationery documents

Stationery documents contain layout and formatting that can be applied to Microsoft Word documents. When a document is marked as Stationery, staff members will see it in the Stationery drop-down list when creating documents in MYOB Document Manager. It can then be used in combination with the merge document to provide layout features such as headers, footers, fonts, etc.

You would generally only have a few stationery documents configured for use in MYOB Intranet.

All stationery documents display automatically under the Stationery view in the left-hand panel. You can open, copy, delete and display properties in the same way as all other items.

A new stationery item will display a Yes in the Stationery column in the MYOB Intranet Administration Item View.

A new stationery document can be added to MYOB Intranet in one of two ways:

Creating it from an existing documentThis option enables you to add a stationery document to MYOB Intranet that has been created in a different application. This in effect allows you to import a single file.
Creating a new documentThis option enables you to create a Microsoft Word document directly from MYOB Intranet. The file name and location are automatically assigned.
Including a stationery document in a category

As well as configuring stationery documents that will be used in the merge process (when using Create Document), you can also include stationery documents in any of the standard categories in the same way as any other item. They can then be used in the same way as any other item.

Marking an existing item as a stationery document

A new item can be added and then marked as a stationery document in the Document properties on the Details tab.

Importing stationery

Stationery documents can be imported in the same way as other items. Display the Document properties, and, from the Details tab, select Stationery.

Including bookmarks in merge and stationery documents

If you are using Create from Existing or Create New Document to add a new item that will be used to merge information ensure that the specific bookmarks used by MYOB Intranet are included. See Bookmarks.

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