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Roles are used to limit access to various areas of MYOB Intranet.

Roles are configured that are relevant for your own business. One or more roles can then be allocated to team members. Specific roles can be selected for the Categories and Applications. This means that only team members with that role will have access to that category in MYOB Intranet or to that application when accessed via MYOB Intranet.

Team members, categories and applications can be configured from the Roles dialog. Roles can also be configured from the Roles tab in the category or from the Roles tab in the application.

In each of the tabs of the Roles dialog, all the current team members, categories and applications are displayed. If any of these are deleted from the system they are automatically removed from the Roles dialog.

Adding a new role
  1. Access the MYOB Intranet Administration window. See MYOB Intranet Administration and Maintenance.

  2. Select Maintenance > Roles on the main menu. The Roles window opens on the Team Members tab by default.

  3. Select File > New on the main menu of the Roles window.


    Click the Add Role button on the toolbar.

  4. Enter the Name of the role.

  5. Click Apply. The new role is added to the Roles list and the Roles window remains open.

  6. Select whether the role is an Administrator one or a Test Admin or both Click the appropriate checkbox(es).

  7. In the Team Members tab, select the team member(s) that are assigned to the selected role. A team member can belong to more than one role.

  8. Click the Categories tab.

  9. Select the appropriate categories that relate to the selected role. By default, a role has access to All categories. But a role can be assigned with access to specific categories.

  10. Click the Applications tab.

  11. Select the appropriate applications that are relevant to the selected role. By default, a role has access to All applications. But a role can be assigned with access to specific applications.

  12. Click Apply to save any changes and the Roles window remains open.


    Click OK to save any changes and close the Roles window.

Editing a role
  1. Access the MYOB Intranet Administration window. See MYOB Intranet Administration and Maintenance.

  2. Select Maintenance > Roles on the main menu.The Roles window opens on the Team Members tab by default.

  3. Select the role from the Roles list.

  4. Edit the role as necessary in the Team Members, Categories and Applications tabs.

  5. Click Apply to accept any changes and the Roles window remains open.


    Click OK to accept any changes and close the Roles window.

Deleting a role
  1. Access the MYOB Intranet Administration window. See MYOB Intranet Administration and Maintenance.

  2. Select Maintenance > Roles on the main menu. The Roles window opens on the Team Members tab by default.

  3. Select the role from the Roles list.

  4. Select File > Delete.


    Click the Delete Role button. A MYOB Intranet message appears requesting confirmation to delete the Role.

  5. Click Yes. The role is deleted from the Roles list.

  6. Click OK. The changes are saved and the Roles window closes.

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