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Upload your first supplier invoice

Got a supplier invoice taking up space in your email inbox? Or adding to the clutter on your desk?

There's a really easy way you can store your supplier invoices and receipts — simply upload it to your MYOB business.

And the best part – you don't need to set up anything.

Give it a go

  1. Click Uploads then click Upload documentsHow else can I upload documents?

  2. Choose a document stored on your computer. You can add documents up to 10MB in size, in these formats: PDF, JPG, JPEG, TIFF, TIF, and PNG.

  3. Click Open. Voila! The document is uploaded.

Turn a document into a transaction

The really clever part is that once you've uploaded a document, you can use the smarts in MYOB to do some of the data entry for you.

Click the ellipsis (...) for the document you just uploaded and choose one of these options:

In tray options via the ellipsis button

Link to existing bill

Attach the document to a bill you've already recorded in MYOB.

Create bill

Record a new bill from one of your suppliers based on the uploaded document.

Record spend money transaction

Record a new spend money transaction based on the uploaded document, e.g. for goods or services that are not from one of your regular suppliers, such as a telephone bill, bank charge or charity donation.

When using an uploaded document to create a new transaction, MYOB scans what's in the document and pre-fills as many details as possible, saving you some keystrokes.

For example, click Create bill. MYOB creates a bill and automatically fills it in with information from the document.

Find out more

There's a whole lot more you can do with uploads. For all the details, see Working with uploaded documents.