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Moving bookmarks

Bookmarks can be created in any order and later moved up/down and promoted/demoted in the bookmark hierarchy, using the dedicated icons above the Bookmarks panel in your PDF viewer:

Bookmarks panel

To move a bookmark up or down in the bookmarks panel
  1. Select a document in the Source Documents tab.
  2. Click the Document Mark Up tab. The document will open in the Document Mark Up tab.
  3. Click the Bookmarks tab to the left of the document. The Bookmarks pane opens.
  4. Select a bookmark and click
     to move the bookmark up in the list of bookmarks or
    to move it down.
To demote or promote a bookmark
  1. Select a document in the Source Documents tab.
  2. Click the Document Mark Up tab. The document will open in the Document Mark Up tab.
  3. Click the Bookmarks tab to the left of the document. The Bookmarks pane opens.
  4. Select a primary heading bookmark and click
     to demote it to a sub-heading or select a sub-heading and click
    to promote it to a primary heading.



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