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Adding stages to schedules

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

A stage is a series of related tasks grouped around the skill requirements and level of authority of the person or area assigned to complete them.

To add a stage to a schedule
  1. Find and open an assignment. See Finding and opening assignments.

  2. Select the assignment to which stages are to be added. The Assignment Details page opens.

  3. Click the Schedule tab.

  4. Select the schedule you want to add stages to from the Schedule drop-down.

  5. Click Click here to add a new stage in the first row of the table.

  6. Enter the next sequential number in the Step cell.

  7. Enter a description in the Stage Description cell. For example, a stage description might be:

    • Commence job and if it is typed as Step 1 the predecessor is None.

    • Preparation and the predecessor is Commence Job (1).

    • Review and the predecessor is Preparation (2).

    • Finalisation and the predecessor is Review (3).

  8. Choose the Predecessor from the drop-down. This is the previous stage in the sequence.

  9. Press [Enter]. The Status column displays Not started. The remaining columns remain blank.

  10. Repeat step 6 and 9 for each stage you are creating.

  11. Click OK to save the added stages.

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