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Assignment template groups

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

An Assignment Template Groups is a group of assignments that comprise a logical set. Groups make it quicker and easier for employees to add multiple assignments to a client’s profile — all assignments in a group can be added simultaneously, rather than individually.

There is no limit to the number of assignment templates that can be included in a group and each template can be included in more than one group. How you group the assignments is a practice decision; it may be by client profile (sole traders, trust, individual etc) or by business units within your practice (Audit department, Tax department, etc.).

Assignment Template Groups are usually set up by your system administrator.

To add or remove a template from an assignment template group
  1. Select MaintenanceAssignment > Assignment Template Groups on the main menu or MaintenanceMaintenance MapAssignment > Assignment Template Groups. The Assignment Templates Groups page opens.
  2. Select the Assignment Template Group Type you want to set up from the Group drop-down. The Not In Group panel displays templates available for selection, while the In Group panel displays templates that already belong to the group.
  3. To add one template to the template group, select the template in the Not In Group panel and click

    . The selected template is moved from the Not In Group panel to the In Group panel.

  4. To add all templates in the Not In Group panel to the group, click


  5. To remove one template from the group, select the template in the In Group pane land click

    . The selected template is moved from the In Group panel to the Not In Group panel.

  6. To remove all templates from the group, click


  7. Click OK to save the changes and close the page.

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