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Configuring a shared or delegate mailbox

Whenever you are performing a mail merge or completing an emailing wizard, you’ll see an option to Configure a shared or delegate mailbox.

Click the Configure a shared or delegate mailbox link to open the configuration window. The table in this window contains a list of manually-configured shared mailboxes that you can use in the Email account to be sent from section.

To create a new shared mailbox
  1. While in a mail merge or emailing wizard, click the Configure a shared or delegate mailbox link. The configuration window displays.
  2. Enter a name in Shared mailbox/On behalf of (for example, “”).
  3. In the Send using field, select an email from the dropdown list to assign an email to the shared mailbox (for example, “”).

    Make sure that the email account in the Send using column is authorised in Outlook. See Confirming an email account is authorised for mail merge for more information.

  4. Press [Enter] to save the entry. In the wizard, this entry will now appear in the Email account dropdown within the Email account to be sent from section. After creating the new shared mailbox entry, you will need to manually select the newly created account mapping.
To delete a shared mailbox entry
  1. While in a mail merge or emailing wizard, click the Configure a shared or delegate mailbox link. The configuration window displays.
  2. Highlight the row you wish to delete.
  3. Press [Delete]. The entry is deleted.
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