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Departments are used to represent the different areas that perform work in the practice. You can set up departments in the system to identify them when you produce reports.

Departments are set up and maintained by your system administrator using Maintenance > Maintenance MapInternal > Departments.

(AO New Zealand) If you are integrated with AO Classic, you can:

  • edit the Department Name

  • create a new department that did not exist in AO Classic

  • not change the Department Code

  • not delete a department.


To set up and edit a department
  1. Select Maintenance > Maintenance MapInternal > Departments. The Maintenance — Departments page opens.

  2. Enter the Department Name in the first blank row at the top of the table. Overtype the text to modify an existing name.

  3. Enter the unique Department Code.
    Overtype the text to modify an existing code.
    (AO New Zealand) The Department Code is limited to a maximum of four alphanumeric characters. You cannot edit the Department Code after you press [Enter].

  4. Press [Enter]. A new blank row is created at the top of the table.

  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 to set up more departments.

  6. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance — Departments page.

To delete a department (Australia)

You cannot delete departments that are being used by the system. If you try to delete a department that is in use, an error message is displayed.

  1. Select MaintenanceMaintenance MapInternal > Departments. The Maintenance — Departments page opens.

  2. Click the row containing the department you want to delete. Click

    to highlight the entire row.

  3. Press [Delete]. The Confirm Delete message is displayed.

  4. Click Yes. The department is deleted.

  5. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance — Departments page.

    Departments cannot be deleted if any bills or receipts have been created for any client while attached to that particular department. This is because each bill and receipt entry has the department recorded against it for reporting purposes.

    In cases where the department is in use a message appears The update failed. In instances like this rename the department name to be preceded by Do not use or ZZ.

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