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Filters can be used to include or exclude specific data in either a new or existing report.

Some examples of how you can use filters include:

  • include clients who require tax or financial planning for two partners in the practice.
  • only include clients with billed amounts equal to or greater than $1000 but not less than $1000.
  • include clients who require an audit.
  • identify clients tagged to receive a newsletter.

Using filters

You can customise your report at any stage and add, edit or delete filters.

To add a filter
  1. Open the Change Report page. See Opening the Change Report page.

  2. Click the Filter column beside a field.

  3. In the Search window, type a filter and click Search. This displays any client whose code starts with the filter that you entered.

  4. Click the row where the code matches what you want the filter to be and click OK.

  5. Click

    Save report button
    to save the pre-defined filter to your report.

To edit a filter
  1. Open the Change Report page. See Opening the Change Report page.

  2. Click the cell where the pre-defined filter is entered.

  3. Press [Delete] to delete the current value.
  4. Either click the drop down to select your new filter, type a value or click the ellipses button and in the Search window, type a filter and click Search.

  5. Click the row where the code matches what you want the filter to be and click OK.

  6. Click

    Save report button
    to save the pre-defined filter to your report.

To delete a filter
  1. Open the Change Report page. See Opening the Change Report page.

  2. Click the cell where the pre-defined filter is entered.

  3. Press [Delete].

  4. Click

    Save report button
    to save your report.

Filter types

You can apply filters to a report using either:

Filter commandsFilter commands allow you to test the data in your report for specific criteria such as clients with an unbilled wip balance >$5000. For instruction and examples on these commands, refer to Filtering options.
Filter promptsFilter prompts allow you select the fields you would like to prompt on, for example Client partner. You may wish to run a report for 1 specific partner instead of for all partners. For more information, refer to Filter prompts.
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