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Integration with MS Office

Accountants Enterprise only

The integration with Microsoft Office improves performance and productivity in both MYOB and Microsoft products.

Using ‘Save With Contact’ in Microsoft Office

The Documents tab is used to create and maintain a database of documents that relate to clients and contacts.

You can create a document:

Storing links to documents this way gives the practice a central place to easily find information related to any one particular contact or client at any one time.

To save contact or client documents using Microsoft Office
  1. Create the document in Microsoft Word, Excel or Outlook.

  2. When you are ready to save the document, click File > Save With Contacts in the drop-down menu in the Microsoft application.

    The first time you use this, you will be asked to log on.

    If you are using a version of Microsoft Office that has the ribbon interface, the Save with Contact command will be on the Add-Ins ribbon instead of the File menu.

    The Save With Contact window opens.

  3. Enter a description to identify the document in the Description field.

  4. Find the contact or assignment in the Contact/Assignment field.

  5. Select the location where you want to save the document in the Location field.

    The default location for saving the document is specified in the MYOB AE application using MaintenanceDocuments > Mailing Settings (see Mailing settings).

  6. Click OK.

  7. Close the application if you have finished.

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