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Job Manager Toolbox options

Accountants Enterprise only

The Job Sheet Toolbox option is used to display Job Manager functions on your homepage.

To add a Job Sheet to your homepage
  1. Access a homepage view.

  2. Click Customise homepage on the Tasks bar. The Toolbox opens.

  3. Select Job Management.

  4. Drag Job Sheet from the Job Manager Toolbox to your homepage. A table is displayed to monitor, track and filter jobs performed in the practice.

A description of the Job Sheet table (Practice Manager)

The default columns for the Assignments and Schedules job mode are: Client/Assignment, Job/Schedule, Assigned To, Target Date, Days Left and the milestones created.

The default columns in the Assignments, Schedules and Jobs and Assignments, Schedules, Jobs and Job Time Recording job modes are: Client/Job Type, Job, Assigned To, Target Date, Days Left and Milestones.

Jobs or schedules are filtered and displayed by assignment types as the system allows the creation of different milestones for each assignment type using the MaintenanceAddress/Phone > Phone number and Email address… and MaintenanceAssignment > Milestones main menu. The filter is located at the bottom right of the window.

If any milestones have comments attached to them, the milestone cell will display aMandatoryfield.gif. Place your cursor over the milestone to view the comment in a popup.

More information (Practice Manager)

For further information on Job Manager, see:

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