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Maintenance reporting area

The Maintenance reporting area delivers reports based on your system settings. Information from these reports include lists of (AE) assignment types, (AO) job types, timesheet code types, department types and office types.

This area can also be used to analyse the associations between clients and contacts.This area can be used to print a list of the codes used to setup and configure your system. For example, you would use this area to produce a report containing all of your timesheet codes.

For marketing purposes many practices want to see which clients and contacts are associated. The association report details each contact with each of their responsibilities.

Available reports





Assignment type

AE with Practice Manager

The Assignment Type reporting area is used to produce reports that contain template information used to create assignments.



The Association reporting area is used to produce reports that contain all clients and their associates.


AE with Practice Manager

The Centre reporting area is used to produce reports that contain information on all the centres defined in the practice.

Charge rate

Practice Manager

The Charge Rate reporting area is used to produce reports that contain employees and their defined charge rates. You can use this report to view both current and historical charge rates.


Practice Manager

The Code reporting area is used to produce reports that contain the task codes and task code types defined for each company.



The Company reporting area is used to produce reports that contain information on all the companies defined in the practice.



The Department reporting area is used to produce reports that contain information on all the departments defined in the practice.

Job type

AO with Practice Manager

The Job Type reporting area is used to produce reports that contain template information used to create jobs.



The Office reporting area is used to produce reports that contain information on all of the offices defined in the practice.

Processing time setup

Practice Manager

The Processing Time Setup reporting area is used to produce reports that contain all the accounting periods in the system, including the accounting year.

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