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Milestones on the Job Sheet homepages

Practice Manager only

Milestones are displayed on the Job Sheet homepage at the top right. In MYOB AO, they are also displayed on the preview panel of the Client page > Job tab. They identify a discrete step in a project that highlights when a particular project goal has been reached.

For full details about how to create milestones, see Creating milestones.

Note that:

  • You can clear the status of a milestone by selecting the Clear status right-click option.

  • (AO) There is only one set of milestones for your practice — and the list of milestones is applicable to all jobs. If a milestone is not applicable to a certain job, the milestone still needs to be completed; otherwise your reporting will be inconsistent.

  • You can filter jobs or schedules being displayed on the Job Sheet homepage using the Filter Jobs right-click option. See Sorting, grouping and filtering jobs or schedules for full details about how to filter jobs.

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