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Printing debtor statements for clients with a current balance only

Practice Manager only

You may need to print out debtor statements within Practice Manager for clients with current balances only.

To print debtor statements for clients with current balance only
  1. Click ReportsDebtors > Debtor Statements. The Reports screen displays, listing your statement layouts.

  2. Highlight the relevant statement and click Edit. The Change Report screen appears.

  3. Highlight the field Client Aged0 and type “>0” in the Filter column.

  4. Highlight the remaining fields Client Aged1 to Client Aged5 and type “=0” in the Filter column.

  5. Click OK and save as a new report.

This filtering will produce statements for clients with a current balance only. If they have a current balance and a balance in any other aging column, no statement will be generated.

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