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Schedule reporting area

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

The Schedule reporting area is for practices using the schedules functionality. It provides reports that deliver schedule set up, employee allocation and budget information.

These reports can detail each of the schedules that have been created in the system and help administrators ensure that all of the relevant information has been entered.

This area can also detail which employees have been allocated to particular schedules.

The area can also deliver WIP reports showing budget versus actual figures.

Available reports





The Allocations reporting area is used to produce reports that contain allocations of budgeted time against various employees and the percentage complete at various stages of a schedule.

Assignment actual

The Assignment Actual reporting area is used to produce reports that contain actual hours and time that have been charged to the various schedule stages.

The information can be grouped by client and/or by assignment.

Assignment budget

The Assignment Budget reporting area is used to produce reports that contain budgeted hours and charge values that have been set against the various schedule stages.

The information can be grouped by client and/or by assignment.

Assignment schedule comparison

The Assignment Schedule Comparison reporting area is used to produce comparison reports for comparing actual hours, budgeted hours and charged value for the various stages under a schedule.

The information can be grouped by client and/or by assignment.


The Schedule reporting area is used to produce reports that contain all information related to a schedule. For example, schedule name, stages under the schedule and the tasks assigned to the stages.

Other information includes the budget amount set against each of the stages, the employee category that the stage is assigned to and the actual amount accumulated from the timesheet entered against the schedule.

Schedule employee

The Schedule Employee reporting area is used to produce reports that contain all schedules within a date range, sorted by employee, assignment partner, assignment manager, client partner and manager.

The reports in this area can also display employee allocations to schedule stages and the difference between actual and budget values for hours, charge and cost.

Ensure that the budgetary data for this report is taken from the stages as they contain the budget and actual values rather than the tasks, which are associated with the stages once allocated to the employees. This factor is particularly significant for grouping and totalling the report values, displaying the budget and actual values against the tasks could lead to repeated values.

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