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Template group type

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

Assignment Template Group Types are logical groups of assignments. They are set up, edited and deleted using the Maintenance  Template Group Type page, which is opened from MaintenanceAssignment > Template Group Type.


To set up a new assignment template group type
  1. Select MaintenanceAssignment > Template Group Type on the main menu or MaintenanceMaintenance MapAssignment > Template Group Type. The Maintenance Template Group Type page opens displaying a table that lists the existing Template Group Types.

  2. Enter the name of the new Template Group Type in the first blank cell at the top of the table.

  3. Press [Enter]. The newly entered Template Group Type moves lower down the list and a new blank cell is created at the top of the table.

  4. Enter another Template Group Type name in the new cell.

  5. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance  Template Group Type page.

To edit an assignment template group type
  1. Select MaintenanceAssignment > Template Group Type on the main menu or MaintenanceMaintenance MapAssignment > Template Group Type. The Maintenance Template Group Type page opens displaying a table that lists the existing Template Group Types.

  2. Click the Template Group Type you want to edit and make your changes to the text.

  3. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance  Template Group Type page.

To delete an assignment template group type

The Assignment Template Group Type cannot be deleted if it is used elsewhere in the system.

  1. Select MaintenanceAssignment > Template Group Type on the main menu or MaintenanceMaintenance MapAssignment > Template Group Type. The Maintenance Template Group Type page opens displaying a table that lists the existing Template Group Types.

  2. Click the row containing the template group type you want to delete. Click

    to highlight the entire row.

  3. Press [Delete]. A Delete confirmation message is displayed.

  4. Click Yes. The cell contents are deleted.

  5. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance  Template Group Type page.

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