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Timesheet Time Entry window

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

The Timesheet Time Entry window records information about the time you spend on tasks. There are separate windows for Daily Time and Calendar Time. There is no Timesheet Time Entry window for Periodic Time.

The window shows whether your timesheet is collecting Calendar or Daily Time and matches the view you chose to display your timesheet. If the window is for daily entry, only one date is shown and the words Daily Time replace the word Calendar.

Timesheet Time Entry window fields



Automatic timer

Use these buttons to record the time you spend on a task. See Using the automatic timer.


If you are using a Daily Timesheet, there is only one date field. It is automatically filled from the timesheet and based on the time entry mode (see Time entry modes in MYOB AE).

If you are using a Calendar Timesheet, there are two date fields identifying the period when the timesheet starts and ends. They are automatically filled from the information based on the time entry mode.


Select the client from the drop-down To quickly locate the client, type the client’s name (or the first three or more letters of the name) and press [Enter].


Select an assignment from the drop-down. To quickly locate the assignment, type the assignment name (or the first three or more letters of the name) and press [Enter]. If an assignment has already been associated with the selected client, then this field is automatically filled.

Search any part of name/code

Click this checkbox to search for an assignment using only part of the name or the code.


If this field is not required, it is greyed out. Otherwise, select a schedule from the drop-down. To quickly locate the schedule, type the scheduler’s name (or the first three or more letters of the name) and press [Enter].


Select the type of task you spent time on from the drop-down. To quickly locate the task, type the task name (or the first three or more letters of the name) and press [Enter].

Search by task name

Click this checkbox to search for a task by its name.

Deselect this checkbox to search for the task using other criteria.

Units (hrs, mins)

Type the amount of time spent on the task.


Click the Stop button on the Automatic Timer to record the end time (see Using the automatic timer).

Start Time

Enter the start time using 24-hour clock format.

End Time

Enter the finish time using 24-hour clock format.

Charge rate

Select the charge rates from the drop-down.


You can type supporting information about the time charged.


Click to save the time spent on the task to the timesheet and leave the window open.


Click if you have no more items to add to the timesheet. The timesheet entry is saved and the window closes.


Click to exit the window without saving changes.

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