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Using a report to select clients for a mail merge

To mail merge, you need to select the clients that you're going to print a document for or send an email to.

You can select clients individually but the quickest way to identify clients, if producing bulk emails or documents, is to use the reports area. In your report, you filter an extra field or extra list value or use other existing data.

You can then run the report via the Find Clients or Find Contacts page before selecting the Mail Merge Wizard.

Some examples:

  • Update the clients to receive a newsletter. Create a client report to identify clients with a value of Yes for Newsletter.
  • Update the clients to receive a Xmas card. Create a client report to identify clients with a value of Yes for Xmas Card.
  • Identify all clients that owe money by running a Debtor Statement report and either print or email statements for the selected clients.

You can Creating reports 2 or use an existing report.

To select clients from a report
  1. Choose your relevant option:
    • For a client merge, in the toolbar, click Contacts. The Find Clients page opens.
    • For a contacts merge, in the toolbar, click the Contacts dropdown and choose Open > Contacts. The Find Contacts page open.
  2. In the Find Clients or Find Contacts page, select New search from reports from the dropdown, and click Search. The list of reporting areas displays.
  3. Scroll down to the category of the report you created and select your report. For example, scroll to Client > Client List or Debtors > Debtors statements.
  4. Click OK. The relevant filter prompts in the report display.

  5. Enter your desired filter values and click OK.

    Only clients matching your filter criteria will display in the Find Clients or Find Contacts page.

  6. Use the checkbox to select the clients that will receive the emailed statement or document. You can select individual clients, or you can select all clients by clicking the checkbox in the header of the table.
  7. In the TASKS bar, click the Mail merge wizard. The Mail Merge Wizard displays.

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