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Adding a field to a Database Map table

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

You can add fields to an existing or newly-created table. When you create a new table, you need to add fields to it before data can be added to the table. The ability to add fields provides your practice with the flexibility of being able to supplement the categories of information that Reporter currently stores with any additional information that your practice might want to store and include in reports.

You can add a field to a table of any level (client, practice and master). Fields added will belong to the level at which they were added. For example, if you add a field at the client level, you will not see that field if you open Report Designer at the Practice level, even if it was a Practice level table you added it to.

To add a field to a table within Report Designer (on the Database Map tab)
  1.  Open the Database Map Editor window for the table you want to add a field to.
  2. Click the Add New Field button,

    Editing a field in a Database Map table
    . The cursor will be placed in the Name field ready for you to start defining the new field.

  3. Enter the name for the new field.

  4. In the Type list box, select the type that will define the data to be added to the field.

    The available options are:

    • Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

    • Decimal (0.00)

    • List—when this option is selected the ellipsis button is enabled. Click the ellipsis button to create or edit the available list of options that can be selected when the value is being entered for this field. See Editing a list for a data field.

    • Memo—you can enter a maximum of 65 000 characters as a memo.

    • Number—decimal places are not allowed.

    • Text—a maximum of 60 characters is allowed for the text value.

    • Yes/No.

  5. Enter an explanation of the field in the Description edit box, if required. Use this field to enter a description of the data the selected field is to contain. This text will be displayed at the bottom of the Database Map Editor in Data View mode, when a field is selected. It will assist the person entering the data to understand what needs to be entered in a given field. The description entered will appear in both the Data View of the Report Designer and the Non-transactional Data window in Generating Reports.

  6. Enter a default value in the Default field, if required. Enter the data field value you want to be displayed by default when a record is being entered into the table. The person entering the data can choose to accept the default or replace it with another value.

  7. If you are creating a multi record table, select the Key checkbox if the field is to be a key field for the table. For multi record tables, you need to define one or more fields in the table to be used to match up records over different years. The Key field is only enabled for multi record tables. By default, the Key is assigned to the first field in the table.

  8. Select the Retain Value checkbox if you want the data entered for the field to be retained during a roll forward.

    Select the Retain Value checkbox if you want the data entered into a field to be retained after a roll forward to a new year.

  9. Click the Apply button. The new field will be added to the list in the Table Definition area of the window and the area cleared ready for you to enter the next field.

  10. Repeat step 2 to 9 until all the required fields have been entered.

You can also drag and drop fields between tables in the Explorer pane of the Database Map tab. Simply click the field in the tree and drag it to the table that you want to move the field to. You will not be able to move a field to a table if a field of the same name already exists in the table.

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