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Chart Map

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

The Chart Map is a list of mappings to account ranges stored within the Report Designer. You can use Chart Map items to quickly and easily add account ranges to a Format for use in reports.

The Chart Map is used to assign logical names to the account codes used in the source General Ledger application. These logical names are then referenced in Formats and in turn displayed within the reports generated with Reporter. This is the link between the accounts data used within a report and the source General Ledger application that supplies the data.

All the available Chart Map items for the ledger you have open are listed in the Chart Map tab within the Report Designer window. From the Chart Map tab you can view the available Chart Map items, select one for viewing or editing, create a new Chart Map item or copy or delete an existing one.

The easiest way to add a Chart Map item to a Format is to drag and drop the item from the tree in the Chart Map tab into a cell in the Format Editor window.

Within the Report Designer window you can only see Chart Map items that exist at the hierarchy level you entered the software through and above. That is, if you enter Report Designer from your ledger software at the Practice level then you will only see Master and Practice level Chart Map items listed. If you enter via the menu option then you will see all three levels of Chart Map items.

The Chart Map tab is a tree display which contains the following types of items:

FoldersFolders are used to logically group account range mappings and shortcuts. This makes it easy to find the mapping you want. Folders can contain child folders, an account range or shortcut which references another folder in the Chart Map. There can be any number of folder levels. As the values in a child folder are accumulated in their parent folder, you can reference a higher level Chart Map folder in a Format or report and get all the account ranges contained in the top level folder and any other folders below it.
Account rangesThese are the actual links to the account ranges within the selected ledger. By using links to the account ranges it is assured that the accounts figures required in a report are current, as the information is pulled from the ledger at the time the report is run, rather then stored from a previous reading.
ShortcutsThese are used to prevent multiple mappings to the same account range. Once an account mapping is added to the Chart Map, and the mapping is required somewhere else, it can be done via a shortcut to the original mapping.

As with reports, Formats and Database Map items, there is a hierarchy within the Chart Map. MYOB provides you with a number of Master Chart Map items. These can be edited and saved at a different hierarchy level. You can also create your own Chart Map items at either the Practice or Client level.

Master Chart Map items

Master level Chart Maps are provided with the Reporter software. These cover the AASB accounting requirements for certain entity types and sizes. Master level Chart Map items cannot be edited or created, however you can use them as a basis for creating Practice or Client level Chart Map items. Each year MYOB will provide you with an updated Master Chart Map to cover any AASB changes that have been introduced.
Within the Chart Map tab in the Report Designer window, the Master level is distinguished by a red icon with a M. The icon also indicates whether it is a Master level account range mapping

, a folder
or a shortcut

Practice Chart Map items

Practice level Chart Map items are those created by the report designer within your practice. Practice level Chart Map items can be created from scratch or based on a Master Chart Map item.
The Practice level Chart Map item is distinguished by a yellow icon with a P. The icon also indicates whether it is a Practice level account range mapping

, a folder
 or a shortcut

Client Chart Map items

Client level Chart Map items are those created for the reporting purposes of a specific client. The client Chart Map items will only be available for use for that particular client. Client Chart Map items can be created from scratch or based on an existing Master or Practice Chart Map item.
The Client level Chart Map item is distinguished by a blue icon with a C. The icon also indicates whether it is a Client level account range mapping

, a folder
 or a shortcut

Mixed hierarchy Chart Map items

When you edit the child components of a Master or Practice level folder, only the child components are saved to a lower level, while the Master or Practice level folder remains at its current level of the hierarchy. In this case, you have folders at one level with child components at another level. The following icon combinations appear when a parent folder or table contains child components of mixed hierarchy:

  • Master level folder with Practice level children


  • Master level folder with Client level children


  • Master level folder with Practice and Client level children


  • Practice level folder with Client level children


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