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Exporting reports

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

You can save the contents of a report to another application format, e.g.,Microsoft Word or Excel. This enables you to save a client’s reports with their other documents in your Practice Management system.

If you select more than one report in the list, the export process will ask you to save each report as a separate file.

You can export to the following formats:

  • *.doc

  • *.xls

  • *.pdf

Reports can be exported from the Generating Reports window or from the Report Preview window.

To export a report from the Generating Reports window
  1. Within your General Ledger software, and with the required client ledger open, select Reports > Reporter > Generate reports. The Generating Reports window opens for the client with the default tab displayed.
  2. Select a report by clicking the adjacent checkbox in the Select column.
  3. Click the Export button. The Select Export File window opens.
  4. Select the folder in the Save in field to which the exported file will be saved.
  5. Enter the File name of the export file.
  6. Select the export format type from the Save as type field.
  7. Click OK to begin the export. This may take some time, depending on the size and number of reports selected. The hourglass cursor displays while processing is taking place. When the cursor returns to the pointer, this indicates that your export has completed.
  8. Go to the directory to which you saved the exported file and locate the file you specified.
To export a report from the Report Preview window
  1. Preview the report that you want to export.
  2. Click
    . The Select Export File window opens.
  3. Select the folder in the Save in field to which the exported file will be saved.
  4. Enter the File name of the export file.
  5. Select the export format type from the Save as type field.
  6. Click OK to begin the export. This may take some time, depending on the size and number of reports selected. The hourglass cursor displays while processing is taking place. When the cursor returns to the pointer, this indicates that your export has completed.
  7. Go to the directory to which you saved the exported file and locate the file you specified.
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