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FAQ's: Non-transaction data in AE Reporter

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

What is Non-transaction data?

In AE Reporter, the term “non-transaction data” is used to refer to the specific disclosure items required for a report that are not provided by the underlying General Ledger.

For example, the statutory details for your client (such as lease details) have to be entered using the database tables within Reporter to incorporate them into reports.

Before you run a report for a client you must enter these values for the non-transaction data fields so they can be used when reports are generated.

See Non-transaction data for more information.

How do I add the Client Name?

On the Non-transaction data tab, go to the item #EntityDetails > ClientDetails and enter the details in ClientName1 (and ClientName2 and ClientName3 as required), then click Apply.

How do I enter the Report Dates?
On the Non-transaction data tab, go to the item #EntityDetails > ClientDetails and enter the dates in YearStartDate and YearEndDate, then click Apply.
How do I generate Non Reporting entity reports?

On the Non-transaction data tab, go to the item #EntityDetails > ClientDetails and for EntityType, select Non Reporting, then click Apply.

How do I exclude the Cover Page from a report?
On the Non-transaction data tab, go to the item #EntityDetails > ClientDetails and for CoverPage, select No, then click Apply.
How do I include a Cashflow Report in my report?

On the Non-transaction data tab, go to the item #EntityDetails > ReportingExtraDetails and for CashFlowReport, select Yes, then click Apply.

How do I nominate Profit & Loss Appropriation Statement or Income Statement?

To generate the Profit & Loss Appropriation Statement, on the Non-transaction data tab, go to the item #EntityDetails > ReportingExtraDetails and for ProfitandLossAppropriation, select Yes, then click Apply.

To generate the Income Statement, on the Non-transaction data tab, go to the item #EntityDetails > ReportingExtraDetails and for ProfitandLossAppropriation, select No, then click Apply.

How do I always generate a Trading Profit and Loss Statement in my report?
On the Non-transaction data tab, go to the item #EntityDetails > ReportingExtraDetails and for ForceTradingP&L, select Yes, then click Apply.
How do I set up my Audit report?

On the Non-transaction data tab, go to the item #EntityDetails > ClientDetails and for Audited, select Yes, then click Apply.

Next, on the Non-transaction data tab, enter a selection for either a Qualified Opinion or Unqualified Opinion in the item #EntityDetailsReportingExtraDetails > QualifiedOpinion and click Apply.

Finally, on the Non-transaction data tab, complete the items in the folder OtherReports > AuditReport and click Apply.

How do I set up the Directors Declaration?

On the Non-transaction data tab, complete the items in the folder OtherReports > Director and click Apply.

On the Non-transaction data tab, complete the items in the folder OtherReports > DirectorsDeclaration and click Apply.

How do I set up the Compilation Report?

First, on the Non-transaction data tab, complete the items in the folder OtherReports > CompilationReport and click Apply.

Next, on the Non-transaction data tab, complete the items in the folder OtherReports > Director and click Apply.

How do I set up Secretarial Reports?

First, on the Non-transaction data tab, complete the items in the folder OtherReports > SecretarialDetails, and click Apply.

Next, on the Non-transaction data tab, complete the items in the folder OtherReports > Director and click Apply.

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