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Master formats

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

The Reporter Master Manual provides assistance for the production of financial reports. It purpose is to:

  • deal with specific aspects of financial report generation, including data that must be configured to produce the desired reports relevant to the type of associated ledger entities.

  • assist you in completing a client ledger with additional information and data to ensure correct and full disclosure.

All financial reports should be thoroughly checked after printing to ensure that correct disclosures have been made and that the wording in all reports is appropriate for the client’s circumstances.

A high level view of the Masters reports is included with this Reporter release. References are to the 2013 reports designed to comply with the 2013 AASB standards as at 30th June 2013. Requirements to complete reports for other years will vary due to the varying compliance requirements.

For details of the specific conditions applicable to each report and the non-transaction data required for completion of the report, see the detailed topics for the report.

The Reporter Master Manual is applicable to those people using either an Accounts or a MAS general ledger. Where there are differences in the information for a MAS and an Accounts general ledger, this is explicitly stated.

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