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Selecting years

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

The Years option on the left-hand pane of the Generating Reports window is used to specify the year against which the currently selected report(s) are run.

Reporter will default the Ledger Year to the current financial year (and current financial period for periodic ledgers) using reports for the current year.

Reporter enables you to generate a report for a year other than the current financial year, and for a period other than the current period for periodic ledgers. The General Ledger determines which ledger years /periods are available for reports. The periods are taken from the General Ledger, therefore if the General Ledger is a quarterly ledger, four periods display in the list. The Reporter Year can also be changed to produce reports using the designs from earlier years.

The Years option is only available where the General Ledger system is able to provide account balances for more than one year.

Within the Years option, you can:

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