Child pages
  • Forgotten, lost, or unknown password




From time to time you might forget, lose or need to reset the password you use to access your AccountEdge company file. This might also be because of staff changes, or perhaps the password was mistyped when created. But don't worry, MYOB's Data File Repair Team offer a Password Reset service which will get you back up and running in no time.

For more information on our Password Reset service, including pricing details, check our website (Australia  | New Zealand ).

To request the Password Reset service

If you're inCall MYOB on

1300 555 123

New Zealand0508 328 283

We'll then send you an email with details on what happens next.

To upload your file

  1. Create a backup of your company file.
  2. Name the backup file as instructed in the email we sent you (the name will begin with "INC"). Back up files that are not named correctly can't be processed.
  3. Access the datafile dropzone using the link in the email we sent you.
  4. Click Add Files.
  5. Find the file to upload and drag it into the browser window.

If you need more help or experience any issues uploading your file, reply to the email we sent you or contact us (Australia 1300 555 123 or New Zealand 0508 328 283).