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Rounding preferences


If it seems your rounding preferences aren't working correctly in Payroll and you want to specify cash payments of no less than 10 cents then check the following.

  1. Go to the Tools menu and choose Options.
  2. Click the General tab.
  3. Ensure the Minimum Cash Denominations is set to .10 as shown below.


  4. Go to the Maintenance command centre and click Maintain Employees.
  5. Double-click the applicable employee.
  6. Click the Employment Details tab.
  7. Select the option Round pay to nearest $0.10 as shown below.
  8. Click the Pay Defaults/Totals tab.
  9. Ensure there is only one payment pay code per employee, for example Direct Credits, Cash or Cheque with Variable as the Type. If you have more than one payment pay code it may be necessary to change the Type to Regular or Old.
    In the screenshot below you can see that there is a DC Direct Credits pay code and the CA Cash pay code. This employee is to be paid by CASH so we have changed the Direct Credits code Type to Old to allow the cash payments to be made.
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