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  • Discrepancy in RetailManager's Cashup Payments Received By Type report





The Cashup Payments Received By Type Summary report can sometimes show more transactions than the Cashup Payments Received By Type report. In our example, one report shows 4 payments, the other shows 6:




Why the discrepancy?

Whenever you process a transaction where funds are returned to the customer, such as giving change for a sale or an EFTPOS transaction which includes cashout, RetailManager stores this as 2 transactions:

  • 1 transaction for the value of the sale, and
  • 1 transaction for the value of the cash given back to the customer.

The first image above shows the Cashup Payments Received By Type report with 2 cash payments. Because both of these sales involved giving the customer change, the Cashup Payments Received By Type Summary report shows 4 cash payments; two for the sales, and two for the change.

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