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Preparing Returns and Schedules

The Select Schedule Type index lists all the schedules relevant to the return that is open including the form itself. Refer to Schedule Index.

A list of schedules and worksheets applicable is available with the help for each return type.


The index shows a Y in the Lodgable column against any schedule that may be transmitted to the ATO electronically.

If a schedule type has a tick next to it:

At least one schedule of this type has been created for the selected return.

Multiple schedules

If multiple schedules are permitted for the schedule type selected, and at least one is already on file for this return, an index will display allowing you to select to create new schedule of the same type or edit an existing schedule. The existing or a blank schedule will be displayed and the information may be entered. Refer to Schedules Allowing Multiples.

Sorting the index

The index is initially sorted by the descriptions. Click the column heading to sort by the schedule code. This is the code by which Tax recognises that the schedule or worksheet and is the code that will be displayed in the Index of Schedules to print, refer to Schedule Printing.

If a tax return is lodged

You may not select to add any schedule type other than separately-lodged forms such as Ruling Requests, Superannuation Contribution Surcharge Forms and FBT Forms and other Standalone schedules.

Amendment schedule (amd): This schedule is only applicable to lodged returns that are being amended. You are not able to create an amended return or an amendment schedule unless the return has a status of lodged.

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