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SBE Integration of Pool deduction: Share Index

The purpose of this Index is to indicate the percentage of the Pool deduction allocated to one of the Business income worksheets for Primary Production or Non-Primary Production income and expenses (Schedules c or b).

The Buttons on the right behave in the following manner:

Button nameDescription
PropertiesThe Properties button is not activated until at least one entry has been created and is displayed in the Index. Once an entry has been created and exists in the Index, highlighting it and selecting Properties will open that entry for editing purposes.
NewClick New to create a new entry.
DeleteClick Delete to remove the highlighted entry from the Index.

The column headings in the Index are self-explanatory, but are explained below:

Column headingDescription
ScheduleDsplays the Tax internal code of the Schedule you have selected to integrate the Pool deduction amount to.
NumberDisplays the number of the Business schedule where the return contains one or more of that particular schedule.
ShareDisplays the percentage of the Pool deduction for the Schedule selected in Column 1.
IntegrationDisplays the name of the Schedule to which integration will occur.
DescriptionDisplays the description keyed for the asset: for example, Carpet.
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