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Services you may need

Need to talk to Inland Revenue?

Inland Revenue are there to take your call between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday and Saturday between 9am and 1pm. Remember to have your IRD number with you when you call.

General tax, tax credits and refunds

0800 227 247

Employer enquiries

0800 377 772

General business tax

0800 377 774

Overdue returns and payments

0800 227 771


For more information go to

0800 self-service numbers

This service is available seven days a week except between 5am and 6am every day. Remember to have your IRD number with you when you call.

For access to your account-specific information, you’ll need to be enrolled with voice ID or have a PIN. Registering for voice ID is easy and only takes a few minutes. Call 0800 257 843 to enrol.

When you call Inland Revenue, just confirm what you want from the options given. If you need to talk to them, they’ll re-direct your call to someone who can help you.


Order publications and taxpacks

0800 257 773

All other services

0800 257 777

Postal addresses


General correspondence

Inland Revenue

PO Box 39090

Wellington Mail Centre

Lower Hutt 5045

Inland Revenue

PO Box 39090

Wellington Mail Centre

Lower Hutt 5045


Meeting your tax obligations means giving Inland Revenue accurate information so they can assess your liabilities or your entitlements under the Act they administer.

Inland Revenue may charge penalties if you don’t.

Inland Revenue may also exchange information about you with:

  • some government agencies

  • another country, if we have an information supply agreement with them

  • Statistics New Zealand (for statistical purposes only).

If you ask for the personal information Inland Revenue hold about you, they’ll give it to you and correct any errors, unless they have a lawful reason not to. Call Inland Revenue on 0800 775 247 for more information. For full details of our privacy policy go to (keyword: privacy).

If you have a complaint about IRD’s service

Inland Revenue are committed to providing you with a quality service. If there’s a problem, they’d like to know about it and have the chance to fix it.

For more information, go to (search keyword: complaints) or call Inland Revenue on 0800 274 138 between 8am and 5pm on weekdays.

If you disagree with how they've assessed your tax, you may need to follow a formal disputes process. For more information go to (search keyword: disputes).

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