Child pages
  • Publishing your website information




Your website information includes your:

  • Website title: In most cases, this will be your business name or trading name.
  • Website tagline: This is a short summary of what your business does. Where it appears on your site will depend on your chosen theme.
  • Homepage headline: This is a section of large text that will appear on your homepage, and can be used to shine the spotlight on your business's biggest drawcard, or highlight the most important part of your positioning statement.
  • Preferred contact method: If you've chosen the Lunar, Galaxy or Nebula theme, your preferred contact method will appear at the top right of each page of your website.

Note that you may have entered some of these things when you first set up your website.

Your website title and tagline affect your site ranking in search engines. It's therefore important to make sure that they accurately represent your business, and incorporate terms (or keywords) that customers will be searching for. For more information, see Improving your website's search ranking.

To publish or edit your website information
  1. Click Edit settings in the section that displays your website title (for example, Blue Bowl Homewares).
  2. On the Website information page, enter or select your Website title, Website tagline, Homepage headline and Preferred contact method.

  3. Once you're finished, click Save.


Why is 'Don't display anything' selected in the Preferred contact method section?

'Don't display anything' appears if you haven't entered your phone numbers and email address in the Contact information section. For more information on how to do so, see Publishing your business and contact information.