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You have a selection of MYOB products to choose from when you create new businesses or upgrade an AccountRight classic file.

The pricing on these product catalogue pages is based on your region and whether your practice is paying for the MYOB product or your client is. If your practice is paying for the product, wholesale prices apply.

You're also able to trial a selected product for a month.

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titleTo set up a payment profile
  1. Click the drop-down arrow next to your name in the top right-hand corner and select Settings (if you're using the new navigation, click Settings in the side navigation bar).
  2. Click Practice settings (if you're using the new navigation, click Payment profile).
    The My practice will pay for my client's product page displays.
  3. Select the appropriate Payment profile from the drop-down.
  4. Read and then accept the terms and conditions.

    UI Text Box

    If you have any queries or the option you want is not available, contact your partner manager.

  5. Click Save changes.
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titleTo change your reward preferences

You can change how you'd like to receive your reward or whether you'd like to pass the reward on as a discount to your clients.

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Only a primary or billing contact can edit the payment preferences.

  1. Log into my.myob.
  2. Go to My Account > Edit Partner Payment Preferences.
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titleHow and when will I receive my reward

Depending on your selection, your reward will be credited to your bank account or your MYOB account (if you're on approved payment terms with MYOB). Your reward will be paid monthly, at least.

For subscription products, the reward will be paid for the first 5 years of the client's subscription. If you've chosen to pass your reward on as a discount to a client, they'll receive the discount for the first 5 years of the subscription.

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titleRelated topics

Manage your staff

Online files

Desktop files
